Tuesday, July 14, 2009

They Just Don't Get It!

Will they ever learn? I have been in a one human household for the last week and a half. Bummer, I like the one who is in New Orleans. A softy. The one at home? Forgetful. Human went to the store, bought cat treats and left them on the cupboard.

Used the "I am lame" excuse. Was outside for a bit and then pretended to go lay in my kennel like I did early in the injury stage. Instead, found the cat treats.

Gas-i-lishious! I could not believe that came out of me. Toot, toot. P-U


Unknown said...

Dear Kona,

Greetings, fellow princess! Please note my presence as a follower on your blog. I admire your writing style. Are you also the photographer? I am quite impressed, and look forward to hearing more of your perspective.

Kindest regards,

Fifi, Princess of Pomerania

p.s. Even the most ladylike of us occasionally have gas issues. Thank you for making this issue public so the rest of us need not be embarrassed.

Kona said...


The humans might think that means Prime Factor or something mathematical. I thought I was the only princess. You have a kingdom? Wow! I must be royalty somewhere.

Gas - oh,just let it go girl!